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The top security issues we see today and how to fix them
This webinar is hosted by HTG's in-house experts, Chief Technology Officer, Kevin Howell, and Chief Innovation Officer, Alan McBurney. We will be discussing modern workplace security issues such as phishing attacks, insider threats and compliance while remote working. Based on a wealth of experience, our security tips and no-nonsense best practices will help businesses improve the security of their IT systems.
Everything you need to know about Microsoft Sentinel
Find out about how Microsoft Sentinel collects data from all your applications, devices, and cloud services to quickly spot suspicious behaviour and eliminate threats. But to realise this, you need the right people with the time to configure, manage and tune the technology. Plus, they must have the expertise to understand what the alerts mean and how to build on the intelligence and insights gained.
Latest insights
HTG recognised as a finalist of 2024 Microsoft Secure Productivity Partner of the Year
Howell Technology Group recognised as a finalist of 2024 Microsoft Secure Productivity Partner of the Year
Protect Your Remote Workforce with Azure Virtual Desktop Security
Learn how Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) security features provide your remote workforce with a fully comprehensive ...
How to Choose the Right Virtualisation Solution for You [AVD Guide]
Discover how virtual machines, remote desktops and virtual desktops differ and which of these virtualisation ...